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Showing posts from February, 2021

Theme: Poem Process- Draft 3

  By draft 3 some lines are clearing, but much still to do - In the shadow of the Earth How dark is the night? I am on geostation A sign of intelligent life Tethered to my little box of warmth Floating in a cold sky. My carbon fibre beanstalk  Climbs up to the giants  Brooding beyond the clouds. I am held in the angels' path The wind of lights The curtains of the north At the pause of gravity I am a flourish of Nature The momentum of the moment Sewn to the globe with gossamer thread Pick me out in the plenitude of stars - Are we common, rare, unique?

Theme: The Poem Process - Draft 2

Draft 2 - the fog clears a little, but where is it going ?  How are the space elevator and the barrage balloon emerging as images, and of what? How dark is the night ? In the shadow of the Earth I am on geostation Tethered to my little box of warmth Floating above in a cold sky. My cable is my lifeline My carbon fibre beanstalk  Climbs up to the giants  Brooding in the clouds. I am held in the angels' path The wind of lights The curtains of the north At the pause of gravity I become a flourish of Nature A moment's momentum A sequence of sequins Sewn to the globe with gossamer thread How dark is the night ?

Theme: The Poem Process - Draft 1

I thought it might be of interest to follow a poetic process through stages. Last night I knew there was a beginning, but I wasn't going to get too far - just a feeling. It often starts with a moment's pause, an image, a chance concatenation of words. At present I find myself much concerned with the sky. The newish-to-me word that has been creeping in quite a bit is "angels". That's an image I have not been too keen on, and has had a deal of bad press down recent centuries , from the mighty fallen plotting the overthrow of the Miltonic God (whose ways had to be justified to Man, being so tough to take let alone understand and as to the underlying motivation, I don't believe the agonized John even got close) to the Romantic dissolute less threatening but with a definite edge on us in terms of beauty and tragic allure, to frothy little confections cluttering up the lower atmosphere, barely distinguishable from the tattier class of fairies.

Theme: Rhyme and Reason

  Why rhyme ? An interesting question – it's not just a matter of a discipline and a dimension of the language that is part of the craft. It adds dance, music, memorability. But, of course, in our times of free verse and so much choice about form in poetry, it is a step that may or may not be taken. I always find it challenging. Rhymes get in the way unless they are effortless – which often takes a deal of craft !

Theme: Love

A Season of Love So, for this week or two, Love is the theme. There are many ways of looking at this absorbing subject, said to be one of the two main themes of poetry. (The other of course, being death - uncapitalized – if I capitalize it, it might get ideas above its station. Of the two biggies, that one requires an appointment to meet it, not the case with  Love, I find.) 

An Invitation to Join "We The Poets"

"We The Poets" started as a weekly poetry workshop for readers of our local internet exchanges, and due to wider ranging interest, I am now widening the catchment area and making it into a blog. Each post has writing exercises and examples of poetry on different topics and themes. You can enter your responses in the "comments" area or personally to me in my contact form and I will do my best to respond. This is not a class ! A circle implies equals participating in a shared activity, and that is the intention. Any comments from me should be taken with the appropriate amount of salt. I look forward to hearing your responses.